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Tag der Lehre

Tag der Lehre

Tag der Lehre - November 1, 2024

Visual Tag der Lehre 2024

Tag der Lehre 2024 will take place on Friday, November 1. Further information and program will follow.

The University of Zurich has been holding the Tag der Lehre annually since 2009, underlinig the importance of good teaching for the attractiveness of the University of Zurich as a place to study.

Tag der Lehre 2023

This year's Tag der Lehre took place on Wednesday, November 1, 2023,  under the motto "inspire(d) minds". We look back on inspiring discussions and encounters.

  • Ausstellung im Lichthof

    Exhibition "Experience innovative teaching"

  • Ausstellung im Lichthof

    Exhibition "Experience innovative teaching"

  • Blick von oben auf Ausstellung im Lichthof

    Exhibition "Experience innovative teaching"

  • Keynote

    Keynote "Teaching across disciplines" by Dr. Lucy Wenting, University of Amsterdam

  • Netzwerklunch

    Networking lunch

  • Abendveranstaltung

    Evening event

  • Workshop für Studienprogrammverantwortliche "KI: Andere(s) lehren und prüfen"

    Workshop for study program manager "KI: Andere(s) lehren und prüfen"

  • Wokshop für Dozierende "KI: Good Practices an der UZH"

    Workshop for teachers "KI: Good Practices an der UZH"

  • Workshop für Studierende "Teamwork on Digital Transformation Challenges"

    Workshop for students "Teamwork on Digital Transformation Challenges"

  • Workshop "AI for students - An introduction to large-language models and other AI tools"

    Workshop for students "AI for students - An introduction to large-language models and other AI tools"

  • Impressionen aus der Keynote

    Impression from the keynote

  • UZH Tag der Lehre 2023

    UZH Tag der Lehre 2023

Weiterführende Informationen


David Schmocker
Educational Development
Team Community
University of Zurich
Hirschengraben 84
8001 Zurich


Office of the Vice President Education and Student Affairs